View of Etna and Silvestri Craters

Etna & Catania Tour

Embark on an exclusive full-day tour to explore Sicily’s natural wonder, Mt. Etna, and the UNESCO-listed baroque city of Catania. The experience includes a morning adventure traversing Etna’s geological marvels and an afternoon immersed in Catania’s history, culture, and street food. Priced at €120, the 7-hour itinerary offers a naturalistic guide, transport, and emergency insurance.

View of Etna and Silvestri Craters

Etna e Catania

Esplora il vulcano attivo dell’Etna e scopri la cultura e il cibo di Catania in un tour di un giorno. Visita la Valle del Bove, gusta street food e ammira monumenti barocchi UNESCO. Per 120€ a persona, immergiti nella bellezza naturale e storica siciliana con guide esperte, attraverso paesaggi lunari e città vibranti.

Hiking Etna

Etna Hiking 2500

Durante l’esperienza sull’Etna, si utilizzerà la funivia per salire a 2500 metri, poi si camminerà fino a punti panoramici sulla costa ionica. Si osservano lava e flora endemica. Inclusi nel prezzo di 120€ per persona (funivia inclusa) ci sono degustazioni di prodotti locali siciliani. Disponibile da aprile a dicembre.

Sicilian food

Etna Brunch Tour

Embark on a 7/8-hour Etna Brunch Tour, featuring a scenic morning experience and authentic Sicilian brunch at a local farm. Priced at €110 per person, this easy-grade excursion showcases extinct craters, a lava tube, Valle del Bove, and includes a naturalistic guide, insurance, transport from Catania, and hiking equipment. Deposit €15, cancellation policy applies. Tours are adaptable with potential extra costs for additional services.

View of the sunrise on Etna

Etna Sunrise Tour

Embark on a Mount Etna Sunrise Tour for €80 per person, including a Sicilian breakfast and a visit to lava tubes—easy level, with transportation provided. Available from April to October, this 5/6-hour tour starts early morning in Catania, reaching 1800 meters altitude with a deposit of €15. Extras and equipment are also available.

Etna 3000 Tour

Our exclusive Etna tour at 3000 meters caters to adventure enthusiasts and nature lovers alike, offering an unparalleled experience on both the south and north sides of the volcano, depending on the day the conditions and month. TOUR ITINERARY Our tour is carefully designed to showcase the best of Mount Leggi tutto…

View of sunset from Mt.Etna

Etna Sunset

This tour is one of the most beautiful excursions, a very personal experience around “Idda“, the most popular and active volcano of Sicily. TOUR ITINERARY The Etna Sunset Tour features a step-by-step itinerary. Our exclusive Sunset Tour on Etna offers a unique opportunity to experience the awe-inspiring spectacle of the sun Leggi tutto…